Thursday, March 28, 2013

Comparing TED talks

In Stacy Kramers, The best Gift I ever survived her presentation was the norm in a sense. She stood there in nice clothes, stood firm on the ground, didn't move around so much and just used a couple of pictures on a slide to really get her point across. She chose not to have videos, or a lot of props or even wear a crazy outft, that was the right choice in my opinion. She was talking about the brain tumor she had and it really isn't a topic that should be taken lightly. It was obvious that it was a topic close to her because it wasn't that she was just talking about someone who had a brain tumor she was the one who experienced it and had to live through it. I certainly think her choice of just having her up on stage and three pictures was effective because it made me focus directly on her and what she was saying. Even her dress and shoes were very plain so that I literally focused on just what she was talking about nothing else. 

Colin Robertson's TED talk to me seemed quite the opposite, even though to me it was still as effective in he getting the meaning across that he wanted.At the beginning of his TED talks one thinks that he will simply be talking about his new start up company and then what pops up on the screen is about unexpected discoveries and what is seen probably as a TED speakers worst nightmare, his screen not loading, and having technical difficulties is seen as a good thing.He used props, and the audience and the screen and even people popping up on stage in morph suites dancing around him in circles. Balloons flying everywhere and that to me was literally the opposite of Kramers who had everything focused on her, and Robertson's had your attention everywhere focused on what is going on around and if this is really happening or not. It was certainly unexpected. It still was effective because you still understood the point he was making. 

I prefer the style of being able to go up on stage and and talk but also used videos and pictures to help get the point across. It gives me something too look at and often times a visual of something that their talking about and it helps me to understand more. But I do also like and admire the person that can get up there in plain and dark clothing and just talk but also keep the audience interested and get their point across effectively. Because at that point to me, you yourself and what you are saying are captivating the audience and keeping the interested not just the props or what is in the background.

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