Thursday, March 28, 2013

TED Talk comparisons

 In Richard St. John's TED Talk he takes a topic that could take hours to explain and packs it into three minutes, while Terry Moore takes a very simple topic that could take a couple seconds of explaining and spreads it out to three minutes.  Both of these talks include explains to support their content and some type of visual aid that also supports their content.

In Richard St. John's 8 Secrets of Success he uses a slide show to support his content.  It was very effective because not only did it have the 8 secrets to success, but it also included explains of people, little cartoon pictures, and humor.  He could have just explained the 8 secret to success, but it wouldn't have been as effective as using humor and visual aid.  I really liked that he made such a complex topic seem so simple and easy, like anyone could be successful.

In Terry Moore's How to Tie Your Shoes he explains a very simple topic, that is common knowledge to most people.  He uses visual aid to support his content, which is very helpful.  He takes a simple, 5 second motion and spreads it out to a three minute demonstration.  I liked that he used a real shoe and tied it the way we were taught and then he showed why that way was 'wrong', which was also helpful.  He then ties it the 'correct' way and demonstrates why that is he right way, because it doesn't come untied as easily as the first one.

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