Thursday, January 24, 2013

Dress Code written by William Shakespeare

The Athens Academy Upper School Dress Code, as written by William Shakespeare.

To Be or Not to Be. That is the question.
To wear what thou want despite what others may think of thou
Or To wear what other expect, hoping to avoid oppression

Wear your favorite Hello-Kity pajamas that are pink and blue
Wear the shirts that show your bosom but still have taste
Do not be afraid to be what thou are which is you
Because God has given you one face
Yet you still try to make yourself another
Wear your leggings and jeggings without further a due
Wear your booty shorts that show off your fair figure
Be the woman who makes yonder window break?
Be the woman who rises the fair sun, and kills the envious moon
Be who you are and not what others think
For my fellow man, be modest like that of Benedick
Be quick with the quill and loving with the heart
In everything that thou wear hold the attributes high
Wear thou puffy hats with large feather in thy hat
Wear thou puffy capris that show off thine leg
Carry a sword with thou to school in the event that someone insults thee
Carry a vile of poison in case thy lover breaks up with thee
Carry a dagger for those lovers when there is no drop left in the vile

To Wear or Not to Wear. That is the real question.

1 comment:

  1. I like the structure here--poetic lines instead of paragraphs. Nice job here.
