Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Feather Pillow

The one thing that has been throughout many people's lives is a pillow. A pillow may be just a simple object for some people but after thinking about it and being asked the question "what is the one carry on you would bring on a trip or the one thing you would want for comfort?" I discovered just how much this one particular feather pillow means to me. Out of all the many pillows on my bed there is one that has been with me since I was a baby. 

This pillow has been everywhere I have ever been. It has been to camp, overseas to London and to every state on the East Coast. It has been my comfort on long road trips, my punching bag for when I am angry and the object that catches my tears when I am crying. It is on this pillow that I have had some of the best dreams and some of the worst. It is what I hold close and squeeze when I am scared and what I toss in the air when I am overjoyed. This pillow has been the one consistent thing in my life. It is the one thing I have had in all five houses I have ever moved to. 

If a person thinks about it, a pillow is something most people encounter everyday. Whether it is for head and neck support or for emotional support, a pillow is made for comfort. A pillow is something that is always there. 


  1. My favorite part was when you said you have had your best and worst dreams, I love that. I also love how you appreciate an object most of us take for granted. It's neat how this is one thing that has made it to all of the house you've been in and to all of trips you have taken!

  2. I never thought of a pillow as being something that is taken for granted but it is. I like how you said it catches your tears when you are crying and its there when your scared and there when your happy. The pillow has really been there for you.

  3. I have never thought about a pillow as being something that has always been there for me but this post has really opened my eyes to that. I think everyone has that certain pillow that they sleep with every night. I liked how you talked about the pillow being your punching bag when you are angry. I have never seen you get angry so the thought of you punching a pillow makes me laugh. You did a very good job of elevating an ordinary object into something more.

  4. I never realized how much I under appreciate pillows (as I am laying on six right now writing this comment). I really liked how the pillow means so much to you and has been through everything with you. I don't have a single pillow that holds significance to me, but I always end up bringing a pillow for comfort on long road trips.
