Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Green Sleeping Bag

Colors, we are surrounded by them everyday of our lives. From the blues, the purples, the pinks, and even more. The different colors are all around us, on our clothes, outside our doors, or inside your house where it’s painted on the walls. They are everywhere we look.

Green though; green is the color of that grass that we would run around and play games on when we were little. The color of leaves on the trees during the spring time. The color of the small caterpillar before it changes into the butterfly. The vegetables that our mothers made us eat when we were children. But, green is also the color of the sleeping bag that has been there for me every time I needed it growing up.

From the first sleepovers, to sliding down the staircase in them with friends. From the memories of camping with my family when I was little to the camping trips with friends. From mission trips and school trips.

It has kept me warm when I was cold. It was somewhere to hide when I got scared of storms. Where secrets were told and shared, when we were supposed to be asleep. To sleeping in a tent in the outdoor air, with the smell of the campfires every time we breathed. The green sleeping bag has always been there.

It has taken me to places that I have wanted to go or not. It was the last color I looked at before sleeping and the first I saw when I woke up. Through the good and the bad times, or the nights I couldn't sleep. The green sleeping bag would always be a sign on memories and home for me.

As the green sleeping bag has still  gone on its fair share of journeys. It takes me back to childhood memories and home, but will be there for the good times to come.


  1. I like how you started this describing the significance of the color green and then went on to tell about the green sleeping bag. I also like how you talked about the sleeping bag as a place "where secrets were told and shared" and not just simply saying what we use a sleeping bag for.

  2. I like how you talk about all the things you have done with your sleeping bag, like camping and sliding down the stairs with friends.I love how you emphasized the significance of its color(green). The color green represents "life" and falling asleep with that color in your eyes makes me think that maybe it symbolizes pleasant dreams and happy, lively thoughts for the night that lies ahead. In conclusion to that, I like how you said "It was the last color I looked at before sleeping and the first I saw when I woke up."

  3. I like how you wrote about a sleeping bag. It must have been pretty hard to elevate something as ordinary as a sleeping bag, but you certainly succeeded. I liked how you talked about the color green in the beginning and then tied it back together in the end. Your post was well written and very poetic. You made the post relatable to everyone by talking about the color green in general terms first and then narrowing the post to you and your sleeping bag more specifically.
