(adj.)- 1. Mentally quick and
original; bright 2. Exhibiting quick-wittedness
Cunning (adj.)- 1. Marked by or given to artful
subtlety and deceptiveness 2. Skill in deception; guile 3. Skill or adeptness in execution or
performance; dexterity
Clever vs. cunning is like smart vs. sneaky. Both
involve quick-thinking but are used for different reasons. If you want to take
it to the extreme it is like good vs. evil. Clever is finding a way to “work
smarter, not harder”. Cunning is finding a way to get out of work or use
short-cuts. When I think of clever I think of original, creative people;
cunning brings to mind criminals and politicians. I would rather be thought of
as clever than cunning.
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