NOT to ask someone to Prom
looks like its prom season again…time to make dinner reservations, order the corsage,
make-up an nail appointments and rent those tux, but before this even happens,
you have the lady, but you can’t ask him or her the wrong way.
first thing, make sure there is the possibility of her actually saying yes to
just avoid the embarrassment of her turning you down in public, if you know she
doesn’t want to go with you JUST DON’T ASK!
ask through a text- it’s the lamest way and needless to say when the person is
telling how they got asked, it’s pretty embarrassing to have to say by text
Nothing last minute, making the girl feel like a last minute decision isn’t the
best idea and might not end up in your favor
leave out creativity, think outside the box, originality is key here Ladies and
Don’t be rude, be a gentlemen and kill the lady with kindness or kill the guy
with sweetness
Don’t ask her as a practical joke, it just isn’t funny and your just going to end up looking like a jerk
In the words of Houston Gaines don’t make it “a public spectacle”, don’t disrupt
classes or practices and make it an uncomfortable situation for the girl to
where she can’t say no
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