Thursday, February 28, 2013

NYC Soda Ban

The soda ban in New York City sounded ridiculous to me at first. How could you ban soda, or really limit it when there is no alcohol or drugs in it that would create a direct affect to the drinker. However, after watching the video it does make sense and it is reasoned well. This video explains in simple terms of what each sized drink is equivalent to in sugars and in cans or bottles of soda. It now makes more sense. The people they shoot in the video holding gallons of soda in their hands, or the four large drinks being carried for only one man, definitely gets the point across that how much soda people drink is disgusting and is unnecessary. Obesity is definitely an issue and I believe drinking an obscene amount of soda may and probably does contribute to this issue. The idea of regulating the drink sizes at city regulated places is a clever idea; however, at the same time it is a person’s decision to how much soda they want to drink.

I think that even though the places like 711 can still serve and sell large drinks, people who are going to Subway are still just going to settle for a smaller drink. It is too much of a hassle and just not worth it to buy a sandwich here and then go across the street for a larger drink there. With this reason, I think that this soda ban will definitely have an effect. I do not think obesity is a direct affect of drinking soda however, I do think that by reducing the amount of sugar drinks people have every day, could help reduce obesity in some aspects. Like I said above it’s a person’s decision to how much they want to drink. For instance, if a person really wants coke, then they may not necessarily go across the street for it to have with their meal. But when people are not eating out, there are still grocery stores and convenient stores to go to for unlimited amounts of soda.

In closing, I think that overall this ban will have an affect but probably not as big of an affect as some people wish it to be. 

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