Thursday, February 28, 2013

NYC Soda Ban Explained

To start off I have to say that this “op-doc” is hilarious.  Humor is one of the tools the maker of this film uses to expose the truth behind the New York City soda ban.  He uses images of a man walking out of a restaurant carrying eight small cups of soda and all eight straws in his mouth, or the same guy carrying a bucket of soda and spilling it all on a New York sidewalk.
Casey Neistat is the maker and narrator if this documentary.  He gives a “sort of simple explanation” of the New York City Soda ban. He has a very informative tone.  The purpose of this documentary is to debunk the newly passed legislation in New York.  The New York soda ban, which is not really a ban on soda, was implemented as a plan to decrease obesity and unhealthy eating habits.  The legislation states that a company, regulated by the city, may not sell any sugary drink in excess of sixteen ounces.  The narrator, however, points out that there are many loop holes to this law.  Many companies are not regulated by the city, such as Seven Eleven, and may sell whatever size soda they wish to sell.  Also Starbucks could sell whatever size drink they want to sell because the customer puts the sugar in the drink themselves.  There are more practical ways of getting around this law.  A customer can simply buy more of the sixteen ounce drinks to equal whatever size drink they would normally purchase.
I enjoyed watching this documentary.  The humor made it interesting and the film was made very well.  Casey Neistat did an excellent job of using profound visuals.  At one point in the film, the film maker shows a massive fifty-four ounce drink which is equal to four and a half cans of Coca Cola.  Then he shows just how much sugar that is equal to.  The images and graphics really resonate in the minds of the viewers and are an excellent tool in helping to explain the legislation.    I think that obesity in America is an issue that needs to be dealt with but I do not believe it can be dealt with politically.  It is a personal choice for someone to choose to eat healthier.  The last thing we need in America is more government control and interference. 

1 comment:

  1. I buy a 20 ounce soda, and it lasts me all day...sometimes into the next becasue SOME people have no self-control, I need to be punished and NOT allowed to have a 20 ounce soda? I should be FORCED to buy (2) 16 ounce sodas so I pay for 32 ounces instead of 20?

    So Heir Bloombucks, get your theiving, crooked, grubby, money stealing hands OUT OF MY POCKET. Better yet, SHUT UP and STOP wasteing tax payer dollars on trying to impose your assinine rules on everyone. Thankfully in 4 months, 4 weeks and 2 days it'll be adios Heir Bloombucks, and PLEASE...DO let the door hit you in your fat head on the way out.

    - James from
