Thursday, February 28, 2013

Soda Ban Response

The video is basically describing how the mayor is proposing that they control how much soda people drink on a normal basis. But, it seems a little ridiculous, because while some restaurants can't have certain sizes other still can. How are they really controlling something when someone could just walk across the street and get the thing they actually wanted.  I understand what he is trying to do to help people, but on the other hand, he is just making it so they will find ways around the rules to get the size drinks they want. Also, some of the rules they added to the list, like at Dunkin Donuts you can still get a 32 oz oreo vanilla bean coolatta, because they contain more than 50% of milk. At Starbucks getting a venti will be alright because the establishment themselves doesn't add the sugar the consumer does. With controlment over the drink sizes, people are going to find their ways around them, whether they order two or three of the same size cup or just go back for a lot of refills. While this ban does exist in New York, it is getting others thinking about the main reason behind the ban in the first place, why are people getting more obese? I think that the bill and idea is good, but it will take a while for everyone to get used to it. Also will everyone be willing to give up their bigger drink sizes to help the society?

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