Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Response to War on Men

I agree with Suzanne Venker in that there is a competition between men and women in today’s society and this competition is to blame for the reason why men do not want to get married.  Men and women compete for jobs, college acceptances, graduate school acceptances, and much more.  Women have more influence and power than they used to.  After the feminist movement women don’t feel as compelled to get married right away.  They want to be educated, go to college, have a career, and then have a family.  Even though women still want to be married and have families it is lower on their “to-do list.”  Venker says, “Men want to love women, not compete with them.  They want to provide for and protect their families—it’s in their DNA.  But modern women won’t let them.”  Women, in today’s societies, are independent.   They don’t need a man to make them happy.  They can be happy with a successful career.  And when they do fall in love they want to continue working because it makes them happy.  Why this might seem like a good thing because that means the family will have two incomes and thus more money, it hurts the husband’s ego.  He is supposed to be the sole breadwinner of the family.  That is his job.  Today’s men miss the delicate women of previous eras that would stay home and take care of the kids and cook the family dinner.  Michael Kimmel says, “They’re [women] emasculating men, confounding their DNA, which seeks only to provide and protect.  Women aren’t letting men be men.” Women are providing for themselves, buying their own houses, renting their own apartments.  They don’t need a man to do any of this for them.  Because women are more independent and eager to work, they have put men out of their jobs and out of their roles in society as the breadwinners, the providers, and the protectors.  “The rise of women has caused the ‘end of men.’”   

1 comment:

  1. I completely disagree with this thought. I understand that women want to be educated and provide for the family as much as the men do. But it does not mean that there's competition between the two. Why wouldn't families with kids want two incomes coming into the household? I feel like the reason there's "competition" between men and women in society today is because men are just getting more lazy.
