1. Fart in Public
2. Wear Makeup if you
are a Guy
3. Always talk in third
4. If someone says
"hello" say "I Don't Like You"
5. If you don’t like
someone say you don’t like them
6. In every situation ask yourself WWTGD
What Would This Guy Do |
8. Use charades instead of talking to others.
9. Always
do the opposite of what your were told to do. Neighbor “Feed the dog while I am
gone for a month.”
Do interpretive dances to show how you feel in
the middle of class.
Every time someone says “the,” go and punch them
in the stomach
Only respond to people if they call you by your
World of Warcraft username
Run to everyone of your classes…. blind folded.
If you start feeling hot in a class start taking
off all your clothes, except for your Spiderman tighty-whities.
Ride a moped to school with streamers, bike
bell, and a lance.
Always chew food with your mouth open.
Always act like people are following you.
Tell people that you have erectile dysfunction
Everytime you are in a public place scream “Fire.”
Tell yourself that you can never go too far. “He
only borrowed your pencil, why did you have to kill him”
Always talk in a British Accent.
Never Smile.
Tell people that the ring you are wearing was
forged in Mount Doom.
24. Never admit you are wrong and if you are wrong run away in a serpentine pattern.
25. Tell drug dealers that you are a cop.
26. Talk as close as possible to people.
27. Wear sex-panther.
28. If you see a girl you like, then do your mating call which consists of walking around like a duck and doing a Wookie Call.
29. If you see the girl who you are dating talking to another male you are required to challenge him to a duel.
30. Never back down from a challenge. "You won't crap your pants"
31. Repeat anything someone says to you in an obnoxious way.
#15 is amazing.